- Feral Animals in the American South: An Evolutionary History (Cambridge University Press, 2016 [paperback 2018].
Edited Collections
- “Computational History and Philosophy of Science,” co-edited with Manfred Laubichler and Jane Maienschein. Focus Section in Isis 110 (2019) 497-566.
Articles, Chapters, and Essays
- “Of Coding and Quality: A Tale about Computational Humanities,” with Julia Damerow and Manfred Laubichler. In Computational Humanities, edited by Jessica Marie Johnson, David Mimno, and Lauren Tilton (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2023).
- “Digital Humanities in the Deepfake Era,” in Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023, edited by Matthew K. Gold and Lauren F. Klein (University of Minnesota Press, 2023).
- “War Horses: Equine Perspectives on the Confederacy,” in Animal Histories of the Civil War Era, edited by Earl J. Hess (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2021).
- “Harvesting Hogzillas: Feral Pigs and the Engineering Ideal,” in Nature Remade: Engineering Life from Gene Drives to Gaia, edited by Luis Campos, Michael R. Dietrich, Tiago Saraiva, and Chris Young (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2021).
- “Keeping It Real: Historians in the Deepfake Era,” AHA Perspectives Daily (May 17, 2021).
- “The History of Science and the Science of History: Computational Methods, Algorithms, and the Future of the Field,” with Cindy Ermus. Isis 110 (September 2019): 555-566.
- “Computational History and Philosophy of Science,” co-edited with Manfred Laubichler and Jane Maienschein. Isis 110 (September 2019): 497-501.
- “The Moonshine Capital of the World: A Visual History of Untaxed Whiskey in Franklin County, Virginia,”Environmental History 24 (July 2019): 584-596.
- “Biology in the Marvel Cinematic Universe,” review essay in Biology & Culture section, Journal of the History of Biology 52 (June 2019): 365-369.
- “Data Science and the 3-point Revolution,” Age of Revolutions (February 25, 2019)
- “Swamp Things: Invasive Species as Environmental Disasters,” with Cindy Ermus. In Environmental Disaster in the Gulf South: Two Centuries of Catastrophe, Risk, and Resilience, edited by Cindy Ermus (Baton Rouge, LA: LSU Press, 2018), 103-130.
- “Path to the Present,” in Cambridge Handbook on Evolutionary Ethics, edited by Michael Ruse and Robert J. Richards (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 72-86.
- “Beasts of Burden: Feral Burros in the American West,” in The Historical Animal, edited by Susan Nance (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2015), 38-53.
- “Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology,” with Michael Ruse. In A Companion to the History of American Science, edited by Georgina Montgomery and Mark Largent (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015), 252-262.
- “Roots of Multilevel Selection: Concepts of Biological Individuality in the Early Twentieth Century,” with Christina L. Kwapich and Martha Lang. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35 (2013): 505-532.
- “Edward O. Wilson and the Organicist Tradition,” Journal of the History of Biology 46 (2013): 599-630.
- “Sounding the Old Wolf Cry,” The Bigger Picture: Smithsonian Institution Archives (November 14, 2013).
- “Dog Days at the Zoo, part 2,” The Bigger Picture: Smithsonian Institution Archives (September 18, 2012).
- “Dog Days at the Zoo, part 1,” The Bigger Picture: Smithsonian Institution Archives (September 11, 2012).
- “American Gibraltar: Key West during World War II,”Florida Historical Quarterly 90 (2012): 393-425.