Top Science Stories of 2016 (11/30/2016)

Every year around this time, I rank the biggest science stories of the year (previous lists here, here, and here), and every year, I offer the exact same disclaimer: I am not a scientist. …

Top Science Stories of 2015 (12/28/2015)

This is always a great time of year for list junkies like me. After consulting similar lists over at Science, Scientific American, Discover Magazine, and Science News, among others, I’ve once again decided to rank the …

Top Science Stories of 2014 (12/26/2014)

‘Tis the holiday season, and that can only mean one thing: LOTS of year-end lists ranking everything under the sun. In fact, the good folks over at FiveThirtyEight published an article earlier …

Top Science Stories of 2013

Like a lot of people, I always look forward to reading as many end-of-year Top Ten lists as I possibly can.  I’m especially interested to learn what scientists and journalists …