America the Beautiful (11/29/2016)

I don’t often shill for multi-billion dollar corporations, but the past few weeks have got me thinking about one of my all-time favorite commercials. It’s the now-famous ad for Coca-Cola …

Happy Birthday, Italo Calvino (10/15/2014)

I just learned that the late, great Italo Calvino was born on this day in 1923. The legendary fabulist wrote some of the most creative books of the twentieth century, including Invisible Cities and If …

One Last In Memoriam (8/16/2014)

Those of you who read my blog on a regular basis (thanks again, mom and dad) may recall that I felt compelled to comment when celebrities Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Harold Ramis passed away …

Hillsides and Hippies (4/11/2014)

 There’s a very good chance that you and everyone you know have probably seen the photograph in the overhead banner hundreds of times.  That’s because Microsoft used the photo as …

Best of Photojournalism (2/28/2014)

The Reynolds Journalism Institute in Columbus, Missouri, recently announced the winners of its international Pictures of the Year competition.  The photograph shown above,  which was taken by John Stanmeyer on the shores …

Dr. Egon Spengler (2/25/2014)

The world of cinema has lost another great one.  Harold Ramis made some truly great movies over the years.  My personal favorite was Groundhog Day, one of the most profoundly original movies of …

The Only True Currency (2/3/2014)

I join cinephiles the world over in mourning the tragic death of the very talented actor, Philip Seymour Hoffman.  He was in many, many excellent movies over the years, and he was …

“Please Call Stella” (1/25/2014)

“I have traveled more than anyone else, and I have noticed that even the angels speak English with an accent.” ~Mark Twain For reasons I can’t entirely explain, I have always …

Giant Step Design (1/13/2014)

Many thanks to my brother, Josh Gibson, the creative genius over at Giant Step Design, for helping me put this website together.  When you have a few spare minutes, I encourage …

First Things First (12/22/2013)

  My name is Abraham Hill Gibson, but you can call me Abe.  I plan on using this blog to write about my two main interests, science and history, though …