Lazarus Moss (3/30/2014)

Located roughly equidistant between Antarctica and South America, Signy Island is one of the most remote, and least hospitable, places on Earth. Half of the island is covered in a permanent ice-cap, …

Where the Sun Don’t Shine (3/28/2014)

You may recall that I recently posted a remarkable photograph of the Korean Peninsula at night. Taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station, the photograph shows South Korea ablaze …

The Underground Ocean (3/19/2014)

Last week, a team of scientists announced that they recently discovered a small amount of Ringwoodite ensconced in an otherwise unexceptional diamond from South America.  Led by geochemist Graham Pearson, the team claims …

Grandest Creature on the Planet (3/17/2014)

It’s hard not to be impressed with whales, whom the suddenly ubiquitous Carl Sagan once called “the grandest creatures on the planet.”  They can grow larger than the largest dinosaurs, and their …

The Verdict Is In (3/10/2014)

While watching the first episode of Cosmos last night, I found myself wanting to scribble down notes each time Neil deGrasse Tyson effortlessly rattled off an amazing fact about the universe.  That, …

Cosmos Redux (3/5/2014)

Hard to believe that more than thirty years have passed since Carl Sagan first shared his remarkable labor of love, Cosmos, with the rest of the world.  The thirteen-part miniseries was …

Three Blind Mice No More (3/4/2014)

Last week, a team of researchers at UC Berkeley announced that they had devised a method of restoring sight in blind mice. Led by molecular biologist Richard H. Kramer, the scientists injected a …