Superb Owl Preview (1/31/2014)

Whether you’re a sports fan or not, you have to admit that the United States is a football nation.  We may still refer to baseball as the national pastime, but there’s …

State of the Union (1/29/2014)

Like many Americans, I just finished watching President Obama deliver his fifth State of the Union address.  If you’re looking for someone to help you make sense of the speech’s …

“Please Call Stella” (1/25/2014)

“I have traveled more than anyone else, and I have noticed that even the angels speak English with an accent.” ~Mark Twain For reasons I can’t entirely explain, I have always …

Top Science Stories of 2013

Like a lot of people, I always look forward to reading as many end-of-year Top Ten lists as I possibly can.  I’m especially interested to learn what scientists and journalists …

Giant Step Design (1/13/2014)

Many thanks to my brother, Josh Gibson, the creative genius over at Giant Step Design, for helping me put this website together.  When you have a few spare minutes, I encourage …